Member Engagement

Is subscription the new membership? Ideas for revenue diversification for associations

I was recently asked by the Canadian Society of Association Executives (CSAE) to write an article for their blog. Published today, I tackled the topic of the traditional membership model for associations, and why it may be important to start thinking differently. Why? Associations must continue to show value for membership to their user base, and with the generational change happening (Millennials and Gen Z’ers joining the workforce), the traditional membership model doesn’t resonate like it once did.

In this article, I consider the option of subscription as an alternative to membership. The difference is subtle… but important. Take your services, benefits, products, and offer them to members via smaller, easier-to-digest subscriptions. Give flexibility to upgrade or downgrade at any time, adding in additional services or benefits when they make sense to the subscriber.

The blog post is available on the CSAE website at the following link. Enjoy!

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